Biozentrum der Universität Würzburg

CARE (Carbon Reduced Conferences) EBRS CONFERENCE

The circadian clock and its pervasive impact on metabolism - From behavior to mechanism
Datum: 18.11.2019, 13:45 - 19:00 Uhr
Kategorie: 87020000-Kalender
Ort: Hubland Süd, B1 (Biozentrum), Seminarraum D005
Veranstalter: Biozentrum der Universität Würzburg
Vortragende:r: diverse

CARE Chronobiology - JMU Würzburg With virtual hubs at Tel Aviv University, University of Zürich, Harvard University, University of Tokyo and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul A conference of the European Biological Rhythms Society and the Institute of Medical Psychology of the LMU Munich Lehrstuhl für Neurobiologie und Genetik, Room DO 05, Am Hubland 97074 Würzburg

  • 13:45 Welcome Address Prof. Francesca Biagini, Vice President LMU Munich Prof. Yaron Oz, Rector Tel Aviv University
  • 14:00 Plenary Lecture Prof. Paolo Sassone-Corsi, University of California at Irvine “Linking Epigenetics and Metabolism through the Circadian Clock”
  • 15:15 Coffee Break 15:30 Short talk Prof. Till Roenneberg, LMU Munich “Applying Circadian Theory in the Real World”
  • 16:00 Short talk Prof. Dries Kalsbeek, University of Amsterdam, Academic Medical Center “Metabolic effects of shift work: time-dependent effects of feeding, fasting and exercise”
  • 16:30 Short talk Prof. Henriette Uhlenhaut, Technical University Munich and Helmholtz Ctr “Cistromic Reprogramming of the Diurnal Glucocorticoid Response by High Fat Diet”
  • 17:00 Refreshment break
  • 17:30 Short talk Prof. Henrik Oster, University of Lübeck “Coordination of Behavior & Metabolism by the Circadian Clock Network”
  • 18:00 Short talk Prof. Maria Robles, LMU Munich “Protein cycles controlling metabolism”
  • 18:30 Short Talk AnneMarie Finger, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin “A Potential Mechanism of Intercellular Coupling in Peripheral Circadian Clocks”
  • 19:00 Farewell
  • 19:15 Networking Party
