Lecture 5: Results 1. MotifMap - 3 entries for E2F1 - the sequence logo shows the eight bases long consensus sequence for the DNA binding site of E2F1. Here, the first three positions are highly conserved thymine bases. - 387 binding sites are listed for E2F1 3. Promotor analysis - a promotor is found which starts at position 868, ends at position 881 and consists of the sequence TTGACGCAAGTCAC 4. STRING - BluF - BluF binds to and releases the BluR repressor from its bound DNA target in a blue-light activated manner - BluF also may serve as thermometer - activation of BluF triggers the binding to the BluR repressor leading to the loss of its repressor function - the transcriptional repressor BluR represses the operator of the ycgZ-ymgA-ariR-ymgC operon and also regulates ynaK and controls the expression of proteins involved in biofilm regulation