    Dept. of Behavioral Physiology & Sociobiology (Zoology II)

    1985 - 1989

    Barrera R, Fish D, Machado-Allison CE (1989) Ecological patterns of aquatic insects communities in two Heliamphora pitcher-plant species of the Venezuelan highlands. Ecotropicos 2: 31-44

    Field C, Mooney H (1986) The photosynthesis – nitrogen relationship in wild plants. In On the Economy of Plant Form and Function, Givnish TJ (ed), pp 25-55. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 25-55

    Hodick D, Sievers A (1986) The influence of Ca2+ on the action potential in mesophyll cells of Dionaea muscipula Ellis. Protoplasma 133: 83-84

    Hodick D, Sievers A (1988) The action potential of Dionaea muscipula Ellis. Planta 174: 8-18

    Hodick D, Sievers A (1989) On the mechanism of trap closure of Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula Ellis). Planta 179: 32-42

    Iijima T, Hagiwara S (1987) Voltage-dependent K channels in protoplasts of trap-lobe cells of Dionaea muscipula. J Memb Biol 100: 73-81

    Iijima T, Sibaoka T (1985) Membrane potentials in excitable cells of Aldrovanda vesiculosa trap-lobes. Plant Cell Physiol 26: 1-13

    Joel DM, Heide-Jørgensen HS (1985) Ultrastructure and development of the pitcher epithelium of Sarracenia. Israel J Bot 34: 331–349

    Juniper BE, Robins RJ, Joel DM (1989) The Carnivorous Plants, Academic Press London edn. London, San Diego, New York, Berkeley, Boston, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto: AcademicPress: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich.

    Karlsson PS (1988) Seasonal patterns of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium utilization by three Pinguicula species. Funct Ecol 2: 203-209

    McNally SF, Steward A, Wilson UE (1988) The stimulation of acid phosphatase activity in the stalk gland of Drosera rotundifolia. Ann Bot 61: 289-292

    McNally SF, Stewart A, Wilson UE (1988) The stimulation of acid phosphatase activity in the stalked gland of Drosera rotundifolia. Ann Bot 61: 289-292

    Outenreath R, Dauwalder M (1986) Ultrastructural and radioautographic studies of the digestive gland cells of Drosera capensis: II. Changes induced by stimulation. J Ultra Res 95: 164-174

    Sasago A, Sibaoka T (1985) Water extrusion in the trap bladders of Utricularia vulgaris. I. A possible pathway of water across bladder wall. Bot Mag Tokyo 98: 55-66

    Sasago A, Sibaoka T (1985) Water extrustion in the trap bladders of Utricularia vulgaris. II. A possible mechanism of water outfow. Bot Mag Tokyo 98: 113-124

    Vassilyev AE, Muravnik LE (1988) The ultrastructure of the digestive glands in Pinguicula vulgaris L. (Lentibulariaceae) relative to their function. I. The changes during maturation. Ann Bot 62: 329-341

    Vassilyev AE, Muravnik LE (1988) The ultrastructure of the digestive glands in Pinguicula vulgaris L. (Lentibulariaceae) relative to their function. II. The changes on stimulation. Ann Bot 62: 343-351

    Wagner GM, Mshigeni KE (1986) The Utricularia-Cyanophyta association and its nitrogen-fixing capacity. Hydrobiol 141: 255-261