Neurobiology and Genetics

Publications Chockley

Publications Chockley

  • Location and arrangement of campaniform sensilla in Drosophila melanogaster. Dinges, Gesa F.; Chockley, Alexander S.; Bockemühl, Till; Ito, Kei; Blanke, Alexander; Büschges, Ansgar. In Journal of Comparative Neurology, n/a(n/a). 2020.
  • Static stability predicts the continuum of interleg coordination patterns in Drosophila. Szczecinski, Nicholas S.; Bockem{ü}hl, Till; Chockley, Alexander S.; B{ü}schges, Ansgar. In Journal of Experimental Biology, 221(22). 2018.
  • Do graphemes attract spatial attention in grapheme-color synesthesia?. Volberg, G.; Chockley, A.S.; Greenlee, M.W. In Neuropsychologia, 99, pp. 101–111. 2017.