Neurobiology and Genetics


Applications for internships at our chair

We would like to point out to all (Erasmus) students that the internships are always individual agreements regarding supervisor, time and also content.

Therefore you should inform yourself which projects are available (especially via our homepage and the list of current projects offered in the WueCampus course rooms) and then approach our lecturers after the lectures and discuss the details with them. 

Acknowledgement of externally adduced  performances

All courses in neurobiology that are not held at our department must be confirmed by us in advance with regard to creditability. This is done via the corresponding form.

The form and detailed instructions can be found here:

FAQs for crediting external internships

Crediting form 

Please forward the completed form to our secretary, Ms. Wenzel:

 If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Wenzel.