Neurobiology and Genetics

Publications Sander Liessem

  • Behavioral state-dependent modulation of insulin-producing cells in Drosophila. Liessem, Sander; Held, Martina; Bisen, Rituja S.; Haberkern, Hannah; Lacin, Haluk; Bockemühl, Till; Ache, Jan M. In Current Biology, 33(3), pp. 449–463.e5. 2023.
  • Behavioral state-dependent modulation of insulin-producing cells in Drosophila. Liessem, Sander; Held, Martina; Bisen, Rituja S.; Haberkern, Hannah; Lacin, Haluk; Bockemühl, Till; Ache, Jan M. In Current Biology. 2022.
  • Transcriptomic, peptidomic, and mass spectrometry imaging analysis of the brain in the ant Cataglyphis nodus. Habenstein, Jens; Schmitt, Franziska; Liessem, Sander; Ly, Alice; Trede, Dennis; Wegener, Christian; Predel, Reinhard; R{ö}ssler, Wolfgang; Neupert, Susanne. In J Neurochem, 158(2), pp. 391–412. 2021.
  • Neuromodulation can be simple: myoinhibitory peptide, contained in dedicated regulatory pathways, is the only neurally-mediated peptide modulator of stick insect leg muscle. Liessem, S; Kowatschew, D; Dippel, S; Blanke, A; Korsching, S; Guschlbauer, C; Hooper, SLH; Predel, R; Büschges, A. In J. Neuroscience - in review. 2020.
  • Enhanced Coverage of Insect Neuropeptides in Tissue Sections by an Optimized Mass-Spectrometry-Imaging Protocol. Ly, Alice; Ragionieri, Lapo; Liessem, Sander; Becker, Michael; Deininger, S{ö}ren-Oliver; Neupert, Susanne; Predel, Reinhard. In Analytical Chemistry, 91(3), pp. 1980–1988. 2019.
  • Transcriptomic and Neuropeptidomic Analysis of the Stick Insect, Carausius morosus. Liessem, Sander; Ragionieri, Lapo; Neupert, Susanne; B{ü}schges, Ansgar; Predel, Reinhard. In Journal of Proteome Research, 17(6), pp. 2192–2204. 2018.