Chair of Biochemistry

Beier, Hildburg, Prof. Dr.

Prof. Dr. Hildburg Beier

     +49 931 - 31 84201



Curriculum vitae


Prof. Dr. Hildburg Beier



Apl. Professor, Research group leader



BEEgroup and Department of Biochemistry, Theodor-Boveri-Institute at the Biocentre


University of Würzburg


Am Hubland


97074 Würzburg


Phone +49 931 - 31 84201











Study of Biology at the Free University of Berlin
Diploma degree



Graduate training at the University of Freiburg (Dr. rer. nat.) in the group of Prof. R. Hausmann



Research biochemist, Dept. of Biochem. and Biophys., UC Davis, USA



Assistant professor, Dept. of Biology, University of Stuttgart

1985 Habilitation in Biochemistry (University of Würzburg)
1990 Nomination for professorship (Apl. Professor)
1985-2007 Research group leader, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Würzburg


since 2008

Member of the BEEgroup, Biocentre, Würzburg University, as retired Professor







Research Fields

Gene expression of bacteriophages and RNA viruses

Natural suppressor tRNAs in plants and animals

RNA polymerase III transcription

pre-tRNA intron splicing

RNA ligases

Humoral and cellular immune reactions of honey bees

Viruses of bees







and Awards

1974-1975: Postdoctoral fellowship from the National Institute of Health (NIH, USA)
1975-1976: Postdoctoral fellowship from “Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft” (DFG, Germany)
1985: Japanese fellowship awarded by the “Foundation for Promotion of Cancer Research” (Japan)
1989: Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande
1991: Japanese fellowship awarded by the “Foundation for Promotion of Cancer Research” (Japan)
2003: Japanese fellowship awarded by the “Japan Society for the Promotion of Science” (Japan)







Selected Publications


Gätschenberger H, Gimple O, Tautz J and Beier H (2012): Honey bee drones maintain humoral immune competence throughout all life stages in the absence of vitellogenin production. J Exp Biol 215: 1313-1322.

Azzami K, Ritter W, Tautz J and Beier H (2012): Infection of honey bees with acute bee paralysis virus does not trigger humoral or cellular immune responses. Arch Virol 157: 689-702.

Federova AA, Azzami K, Ryabchikova EI, Spitsyna YE, Silnikov VN, Ritter W, Gross HJ, Tautz J, Vlassov VV, Beier H and Zenkova MA (2011): Inactivation of a non-enveloped RNA virus by artificial ribonucleases: Honey bees and Acute bee paralysis virus as a new experimental model for in vivo antiviral activity assessment. Antiviral Res 91: 267-277.

Mori T, Ogasawara C, Inada T, Englert M, Beier H, Takezawa M, Endo T and Yoshihisa T (2010): Dual functions of yeast tRNA ligase in the unfolded protein response: unconventional cytoplasmic splicing of HAC1 pre-mRNA is not sufficient to release translational attenuation. Mol Biol Cell 21: 3722-3734. 

Englert M, Sheppard K, Gundllapalli S, Beier H and Söll D (2010): Branchiostoma floridae has separate healing and sealing enzymes for 5’-phosphate RNA ligation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107: 16834-16839.

Englert M, Latz A, Becker D, Gimple O, Beier H and Akama K (2007): Plant pre-tRNA splicing enzymes are targeted to multiple cellular compartments. Biochimie 89: 1351-1365.

Wang LK, Schwer B Englert M, Beier H and Shuman S (2006): Structure-function analysis of the kinase-CPD domain of yeast tRNA ligase (Trl1) and requirements for complementation of tRNA splicing by aplant Trl1 homolog. Nucleic Acids Res 34: 517-527

Englert M and Beier H (2005): Plant tRNA ligases are multifunctional enzymes that have diverged in sequence and substrate specificity from RNA ligases of other phylogenetic origins. Nucleic Acids Res 33: 388-399.

Englert M, Felis M, Junker V and Beier H (2004): Novel upstream and intragenic control elements for the RNA polymerase III dependent transcription of human 7SL RNA genes. Biochimie 86: 867-874.

Beier H and Grimm M (2001): Misreading of termination codons in eukaryotes by natural nonsense suppressor tRNAs. Nucleic Acids Res 29: 4767-4782 (invited review)

Akama K, Naß A, Junker V and Beier H (1997): Characterization of nuclear tRNATyr introns: their evolution from red algae to higher plants. FEBS Letters 417: 213-218.

Schüll C and Beier H (1994): Three Tetrahymena tRNAGln isoacceptors as tools for studying unorthodox codon recognition and codon context effects during protein synthesis in vitro. Nucleic Acids Res 22: 1974-1980.

Zerfaß K and Beier H (1992): The leaky UGA termination codon of tobacco rattle virus RNA is suppressed by tobacco chloroplast and cytoplasmic tRNAsTrp with CmCA anticodon. EMBO J 11: 4167-4173.

Stange N, Beier D and Beier H (1992): Intron excision from tRNA precursors by plant splicing endonuclease requires unique features in the mature tRNA domain. Eur J Biochem 210: 193- 203.

Sweykowska-Kulinska Z and Beier H (1992): Sequence and structure requirements for the biosynthesis of pseudouridine (ψ35) in plant pre-tRNATyr. EMBO J 11: 1907-1912.

Szweykowska-Kulinska Z and Beier H (1991): Plant nonsense suppressor tRNATyr genes are expressed at very low levels in vitro due to inefficient splicing of the intron-containing pre-tRNAs. Nucleic Acids Res 19: 707-712.

Van Tol H, Gross HJ and Beier H (1989): Non-enzymatic excision of pre-tRNA introns? EMBO J 8: 293-300.

Stange N, Gross HJ and Beier H (1988): Wheat germ splicing endonuclease is highly specific for plant pre-tRNAs. EMBO J 7: 3823-3828.

Stange N and Beier H (1987): A cell-free plant extract for accurate pre-tRNA processing, splicing and modification. EMBO J 6: 2811-2818.

Kuchino Y, Beier H, Akita N and Nishimura S (1987): Natural UAG suppressor glutamine tRNA is elevated in mouse cells infected with Moloney murine leukemia virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 84: 2668-2672.

Blum H, Beier Hand Gross HJ (1987): Improved silver staining of plant proteins, RNA and DNA in polyacrylamid gels. Electrophoresis 8: 93-99.

Van Tol H, Stange N, Gross HJ and Beier H (1987): A human and a plant intron-containing tRNATyr gene are both transcribed in a HeLa cell extract but spliced along different pathways. EMBO J 6: 35-41.

Hanyu N, Kuchino Y, Nishimura S and Beier H (1986): Dramatic events in ciliate evolution: alteration of UAA and UAG termination codons to glutamine codons due to anticodon mutations in two Tetrahymena tRNAsGln. EMBO J 5: 1307-1311.

Beier H, Barciszewska M and Sickinger H-D (1984): The molecular basis for the differential translation of TMV RNA in tobacco protoplasts and wheat germ extracts. EMBO J 3: 1091-1096.

Beier H, Barciszewska M, Krupp G, Mitnacht R and Gross HJ (1984): UAG readthrough during TMV RNA translation: isolation and sequence of two tRNAsTyr with suppressor activity from tobacco plants. EMBO J 3: 351-356.

Issinger O-G, Beier H, Speichermann N, Flokerzi V and Hofmann F (1980): Comparison of phosphorylation of ribosomal proteins from HeLa and Krebs II mouse ascites tumour cells by cyclic AMP-dependent and cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinases. Biochem J 185: 89-99.

Beier H, Golomb M and Chamberlin M (1977): Isolation of recombinants between T7 and T3 bacteriophages and their use in in vitro transcriptional mapping. J Virol 21: 753-765.

Beier H and Hausmann R (1974): T3 x T7 phage crosses leading to recombinant RNA polymerases. Nature 251: 538-540.