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AG Raabe


The main focus of our research is the characterization of molecular mechanisms controlling development and function of neural networks in the model system Drosophila. The conservation of molecular mechanisms also allows us to use Drosophila as a model for better understanding the pathophysiology of human neurological diseases.


Our Research

p21 activated kinase Mbt/PAK4 in neurogenesis and neurodegeneration

In this project we investigate the role of p21 activated kinase Mbt/PAK4 in neurogenesis and neurodegeneration

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Proliferation control of neural progenitor cells

Neuroblasts are the progenitor cells of the Drosophila central nervous system

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Protein kinase RSK and nervous system dysfunction

In this project, we are focusing on the Coffin-Lowry-syndrome (CLS) associated protein kinase RSK2.