Chair of Behavioral Physiology & Sociobiology

Experimental Sociobiology

Module I: Behavioural Physiology and Sociobiology

Event abbreviation: 07-MS1K
Event type: lecture and seminar (in English)
Semester: in summer only
SWS: 3


oral presentation
ECTS: 10

F. Roces

The initial lectures discuss insect behavior from a wide perspective, focusing on the physiological and neurobiological mechanisms underlying the organization of social behavior, as well as on orientation skills and decision making at both individual and collective levels. In the seminars, students give oral presentations based on original publications that highlight actual research topics on insect behavior addressed in our Department.

Please note:
The seminar is limited to 16 WP-1 participants. The number of WP-2 participants (attending all lectures and seminars) is unlimited. Requirement: 7 ECTS already obtained.