Chair of Biochemistry

Lab & Teaching

Courses & Course  Materials

Aktuelle Methoden der Proteinchromatografie

(5. Semester, Nr. 0732145)

Kursbeschreibung mit Bildern

 Download der Kursanleitung (.pdf, German)

Reinigung rekombinanter Histidase aus Escherichia coli

(im Molekularbiologischen Praktikum, Nr. 0732142)


 Download der Versuchsanleitung (.pdf, German)

 Reinigungstabelle als Word-Datei

 Tabellen für Aktivitäts- und Proteinbestimmungen als Word-Datei


Basic Pymol course using ADH coordinates

Download .pdf (German)


Alternative Polymeric Precipitants Screen 

Alternative, water-soluble polymeric precipitants are a valuable alternative to the popular polyethylene glycols (PEGs). In our lab, some difficult proteins could only be crystallized with particular, otherwise rarely used polymers. We have developped a screen  based on such precipitants - it is commercially available from Molecular Dimensions Ltd under the brand name MIDAS.

Download .xls (the original Version as described in Grimm et al., Acta Cryst. D 66, 685-697)

Download .pdf (the slightly modified version sold by MDL) 

A rich defined medium for efficient SeMet labelling in difficult cases

Download .pdf