2018 Functional Genomics
2nd International CCTB Summer School in Functional Genomics 2018
Oct 1st -5th 2018
This summer school is primarily designed for undergraduate and graduate students.
It aims to introduce quantitative methods for studying complex dynamics in biological systems.
Topics include : SNP calling, Genome assembly, GWAS
Each course day will be a combination of lectures and hands-on tutorials.
The practical part will be performed both on the linux command line an in R. Prior knowledge of both is not a prerequisite.
Registration is closed. Applicant will be informed about acceptance during the week.
There might be a waiting list. If you interested contact me under arthur.korte@uni-wuerzburg.de
Registration fee is 400 € including accommodation.
Accommodation is in shared rooms in a hostel close to the main train station in Würzburg.
preliminary scientific program
Monday: Introduction to Genome-wide association mapping Arthur Korte, University Würzburg
Tuesday: Maschine learining approaces for genomic data Dominik Grimm, HSWT Straubing
Wednesday: Multivariate GWAS models Arthur Korte, University Würzburg
Thursday: SNP calling Georg Haberer, HMGU Munich
Friday: Mini-Syposium
Keynote-Speakers : Peer Bork, EMBL Heidelberg
Klaus Mayer, HMGU Munich
Social Events (included in the registration fee)
Monday evening : Welcome dinner at a typical Bavarian inn (Alter Kranen)
Wednesday afternoon : River tour on the Altmain with a raft (more information)