Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology

MSc/BSc in Floral Microbiome Ecology

MSc/ BSc Project in Floral Microbiome Ecology

In this project we would like to address the ecological and functional role of microbes in the floral anthosphere. Although flowers are directly linked to the reproductive fitness of plants, the role of microbial symbionts of the anthosphere is less well characterized. We are looking for a motivated student who is willing to expand the knowledge of the floral microbiota research. You will use methods like field sampling, microbial cultivation of bacteria and fungi, molecular techniques for microbial identification (DNA extraction, PCR, sequence analysis) and several bioassay tests (antimicrobial assays etc.). Thesis can be written in English or German. A starting date in summer 2018/ 2019 would be preferred. A later start would also be possible, but field sampling (~1week) is only possible till end of August.

Interested to join the awesome Molecular Biodiversity Group?

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