Gypsy moth
Effects of gypsy moth and the insecticide Mimic on non-target organisms like butterflies, moths, birds and bats

Main aims
Every year of mass reproduction of the gypsy moth in oak mixed forests, the control of gypsy moth is subject of public discussions. On the one hand high densities of gypsy moth caterpillar results in complete defoliation of oaks and other tree species, so that timely control of gypsy moth prevent forest owner from forest dieback and destruction of forest stands. On the other hand oak mixed forests are rich in species of endangered butterflies, moths, birds and other species. There is a concern that this organisms suffer from insecticide application sooner or later. There have been very few studies on the effects on non-target organisms in shorter or longer term between untreated areas (with high density of gypsy moth) and treated areas (with reduced density of gypsy moth). We examine the interaction between gypsy moth densities, forest site conditions, the chosen treatments and the effects on oak forests and their communities in the next years with expected mass reproduction of gypsy moth.
2018 onwards
Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry