Ludwig Lettenmaier
Ludwig Lettenmaier
University of Würzburg
Field Station Fabrikschleichach
Glashüttenstraße 5
Field Station Fabrikschleichach
Glashüttenstraße 5
+49 931 31 83858

2024[ to top ]
Wald - Faktencheck Artenvielfalt. . p. 357. 2024.
Multiple ways to bend the curve of biodiversity loss: An analytical framework to support transformative change. . In People and Nature, 6(5), pp. 1945–1959. Wiley, 2024.
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2023[ to top ]
Drivers of tree-related microhabitat profiles in European and Oriental beech forests. . In Biological Conservation, 285, p. 110245. Elsevier BV, 2023.
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2022[ to top ]
Beetle diversity is higher in sunny forests due to higher microclimatic heterogeneity in deadwood. . In Oecologia, 198(3), pp. 825–834. 2022.
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Forest dieback in a protected area triggers the return of the primeval forest specialistPeltis grossa(Coleoptera, Trogossitidae). . In Conservation Science and Practice, 4(2). Wiley, 2022.
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2021[ to top ]
Saproxylic beetles trace deadwood and differentiate between deadwood niches before their arrival on potential hosts. . In Insect Conservation and Diversity, 15(1), pp. 48–60. Wiley, 2021.
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Importance of meteorological and land use parameters for insect diversity in agricultural landscapes. . In Science of The Total Environment, 791, p. 148159. Elsevier BV, 2021.
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