Spaethe, Johannes
PD Dr. Johannes Spaethe
Research group leader
Zoology II / Spaethe lab
Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland
Am Hubland
B1 (Biozentrum)
+49 931 31 83408
Spaethe lab

My research centers on the function, ecology and evolution of sensory and neuronal systems in insects. In particular, I focus on the visual system in bees. My approach combines the methods of molecular genetics, neurobiology and behavioural science.
Current research projects are:
- Psychophysics of color vision in insects
- Eye development & Molecular evolution of opsins in insects
- Visual learning and memory formation
- Sensory perception of taste in bees
Immediate early genes in social insects: a tool to identify brain regions involved in complex behaviors and molecular processes underlying neuroplasticity. . In Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 76(4), pp. 637–651. 2019.
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Bumblebees are able to perceive amino acids via chemotactile antennal stimulation. . In Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 205(3), pp. 321–331. 2019.
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Innate colour preference, individual learning and memory retention in the ant Camponotus blandus.. . In Journal of Experimental Biology, 220(18), pp. 3315–3326. The Company of Biologists Ltd, 2017.
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Early Duplication and Functional Diversification of the Opsin Gene Family in Insects. . In Molecular Biology and Evolution, 21(8), pp. 1583–1594. 2004.
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Visual constraints in foraging bumblebees: Flower size and color affect search time and flight behavior. . In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 98(7), pp. 3898–3903. 2001.
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Evolution und Tierreich / Teil Evolution, Verhaltensphysiologie, Tropenbiologische Exkursion nach Costa Rica, Integrative Verhaltensbiologie I, Integrative Verhaltensbiologie II, Integrative Verhaltensbiologie III, Rechtliche und ethische Aspekte in den Biowissenschaften
Communication Biology, Experimental Biology, Behavioural Physiology and Sociobiology F1, Behavioural Physiology and Sociobiology F2