Georg Küstner
Georg Küstner
Biocenter, University of Würzburg
Am Hubland

- Agroecology
- Bioacoustics
- Biological pest control
- Conservation biology
- Evidence synthesis
- Integrated pest management
- Invasive alien species
- Landscape ecology
- Nature-based solutions
- Nature conservation
- Nature's contributions to people
- Remote sensing of biodiversity
- Science-policy interface
- Species Distribution Modelling
- Tropical ecology
FARMS4Biodiversity – Farmer-led Agroecological Research in Malawi using Scenarios for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
09/2019 - present - PhD student | Graduate School of Life Sciences | Department Of Animal Ecology And Tropical Biology | University of Würzburg | Würzburg | Germany
Working title: “Biological pest control along a landscape complexity gradient in smallholder agroecosystems in northern Malawi”
Supervisors: Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Katja Poveda, Aaron Iverson
10/2015 - 07/2018 - Global Change Ecology (MSc) | University of Bayreuth | Bayreuth | Germany
Master thesis: “The influence of forest cover and land use on water quality and macroinvertebrate communities in Tunkhel River catchment in
northern Mongolia”
10/2011 - 10/2014 - Nature Conservation and Landscape Planning (BSc) | Anhalt University of Applied Sciences | Bernburg (Saale) | Germany
Bachelor thesis: “The condition of littoral vermetid crusts in the Maltese islands"
Professional experience
01/2024 - present - Research associate | Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU) | Augsburg | Germany
09/2019 - 09/2023 - Research associate | University of Würzburg | Würzburg | Germany
09/2018 - 05/2019 - Carlo Schmid Fellow in the Natural Science's sector of UNESCO | Hanoi | Vietnam
04/2018 - 06/2018 - Internship at the Helmholtz Centre for Enviornmental Research (UFZ)/German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) |
Department of Community Ecology | Spatial Interaction Ecology Research Group | Halle (Saale) | Germany
03/2018 - 04/2018 - Internship at the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) | Department of Protected Areas | Bonn | Germany
07/2013 - 09/2013 - Internship at the lower nature conservation authority of the city of Erlangen | Erlangen | Germany
09/2010 - 09/2011 - Anderer Dienst im Ausland (ADiA) with Children for Green New Nepal (CGNN) via weltwärts with the GIZ | Lalitpur | Nepal
Noble DWA, Xirocostas ZA, Wu NC, ..., Küstner G, ..., Nakagawa S, Lagisz M (2025) The promise of community-driven preprints in ecology and evolution. Proc. R. Soc. B 292: 20241487.
Ellssel P, Küstner G, Kaczorowska-Dolowy M,Vázquez E, Di Bene C, Li H, Brizuela-Torres D, Elangovan Vennila E, Vicente-Vicente JL and Avila-Ortega DI (2024) Building a solid foundation: advancing evidence synthesis in agri-food systems science. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 8: 1410205.
Vogel C, Mkandawire T, Mkandawire M, Küstner G, Dakishoni L, Bezner Kerr R, Iverson A, Poveda K, Steffan-Dewenter I (2023) The importance of shrubland and local agroecological practices for pumpkin production in sub-Saharan smallholdings. Basic and Applied Ecology 73: 51-61.
Vogel C, Mayer V, Mkandawire M, Küstner G, Bezner Kerr R, Krauss J, Steffan-Dewenter I (2023) Local and landscape scale woodland cover and diversification of agroecological practices shape butterfly communities in tropical smallholder landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology 60: 1659-1672.
Vogel C, Poveda K, Iverson A, Boetzl FA, Mkandawire T, Chunga TL, Küstner G, Keller A, Bezner Kerr R, Steffan-Dewenter I (2023) The effects of crop type, landscape composition and agroecological practices on biodiversity and ecosystem services in tropical smallholder farms. Journal of Applied Ecology 60: 859-874.
Kpienbaareh D, Bezner Kerr R, Nyantakyi-Frimpong H, Amoak D, Poveda K, Nagothu US, Vogel C, Iverson A, Mehreteab T, Luginaah I, Steffan-Dewenter I, Wang J, Küstner G, Enloe S, Mayer V, Dakishoni L, Lupafya E, Shumba L, Chunga T, Kanyimbo P, Munthali P, Gondwe T, Mhoni I, Mkandawire M, Mkandawire T, Moyo P, Tembo Y (2022) Transdisciplinary agroecological research on biodiversity and ecosystem services for sustainable and climate resilient farming systems in Malawi. Advances in Ecological Research 66: 3-35.
Pfeiffer M, Küstner G, Erdenesukh E, von Tümpling W, Hofmann J (2021) Investigation of environmental and land use impacts in forested permafrost headwaters of the Selenga-Baikal river system, Mongolia - Effects on discharge, water quality and macroinvertebrate diversity. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 9: 605-619.