Cristina Ganuza
Dr. Cristina Ganuza
Biocenter, University of Würzburg
Am Hubland

- Community Ecology and Agroecology.
- Pollination and plant-pollinator interactions.
- Effects of climate and land-use change on biodiversity and ecosystem services.
LandKlif - Effects of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem services in semi-natural, agricultural and urban landscapes and strategies for management of climate change. Subproject 1 - Climate change in a landscape context: functional biodiversity, biotic ecosystem services and data synthesis.
Since 04/2023: Postdoc – Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology – Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Germany).
12/2018 - 04/2023: PhD student – Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology – Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Germany).
- "Interactive effects of climate and land use on diversity, trophic interactions, and phenology of pollinator communities" – LandKlif. Supervision: Prof. Dr. Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter and Dr. Sarah Redlich.
03/2018 - 08/2018: Research assistant – Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation Group (PEN) – Wageningen University (the Netherlands)
- "The relative importance of wild pollinators as an agricultural input in seed production".
02/2016 - 12/2017: MSc in Biology (Conservation and Systems Ecology) – Wageningen University (the Netherlands)
MSc thesis in the Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation Group (PEN) – Wageningen University (the Netherlands).
- "The role of sown wildflower strips in supporting pollinators on blueberry farms in the Netherlands" - FP7-project LIBERATION. Supervision: Prof. Dr. Ir. David Kleijn.
MSc internship in the Agroecology Group – Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany).
- "How does habitat fragmentation affect plant and pollinator communities and the interactions among them in calcareous grasslands?" Supervision: Dr. Felipe Librán-Embid and Prof. Dr. Teja Tscharntke.
09/2011 - 07/2015: BSc in Biology – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
BSc thesis in the Parasitism Ecology group (Department of Evolutionary Ecology) – Natural Science Museum-CSIC (Spain).
- "Effect of the elimination of ectoparasites on blue tits' parental effort" Supervision: Dr. Elisa P. Badás and Prof. Dr. Santiago Merino.
Fijen, T.P.M., Bishop, G.A., Ganuza, C., Scheper, J., Kleijn, D., 2024. Analyzing the relative importance of habitat quantity and quality for boosting pollinator populations in agricultural landscapes. Conservation Biology. e14317.
Librán-Embid, F., Grass, I., Emer, C., Alarcón-Segura, V., Behling, H., Biagioni, S., Ganuza, C., Herrera-Krings, C., Setyaningsih, C.A., Tscharntke, T., 2024. Flower–bee versus pollen–bee metanetworks in fragmented landscapes. Proc. R. Soc. B. 291, 20232604.
Uphus, L., Uhler, J., Tobisch, C., Rojas-Botero, S., Lüpke, M., Benjamin, C., Englmeier, J., Fricke, U., Ganuza, C., Haensel, M., Redlich, S., Zhang, J., Müller, J., Menzel, A., 2023. Earlier and more uniform spring green-up linked to lower insect richness and biomass in temperate forests. Communications Biology. 6, 1052.
Englmeier, J., Rieker, D., Mitesser, O., Benjamin, C., Fricke, U., Ganuza, C., Haensel, M., Kellner, H., Lorz, J., Redlich, S., Riebl, R., Rojas‐Botero, S., Rummler, T., Steffan‐Dewenter, I., Stengel, E., Tobisch, C., Uhler, J., Uphus, L., Zhang, J., Müller, J., Bässler, C., 2023. Diversity and specialization responses to climate and land use differ between deadwood fungi and bacteria. Ecography. e06807.
Tobisch, C., Rojas-Botero, S., Uhler, J., Kollmann, J., Müller, J., Moning, C., Redlich, S., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Benjamin, C., Englmeier, J., Fricke, U., Ganuza, C., Haensel, M., Riebl, R., Uphus, L., Ewald, J. 2023. Conservation-relevant plant species indicate arthropod richness across trophic levels: Habitat quality is more important than habitat amount. Ecological Indicators. 148, 110039.
Tobisch, C., Rojas-Botero, S., Uhler, J., Müller, J., Kollmann, J., Moning, C., Brändle, M., Gossner, M.M., Redlich, S., Zhang, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Benjamin, C., Englmeier, J., Fricke, U., Ganuza, C., Haensel, M., Riebl, R., Uphus, L., Ewald, J., 2023. Plant species composition and local habitat conditions as primary determinants of terrestrial arthropod assemblages. Oecologia.
Ganuza, C., Ayasse, M., Boff, S., 2022. Chemical and mechanical signals trigger courtship in the wild large-headed resin bee Heriades truncorum. Journal of Insect Behaviour.
Fricke, U., Redlich, S., Zhang, J., Benjamin, C., Englmeier, J., Ganuza, C., Haensel, M., Riebl, R., Rojas-Botero, S., Tobisch, C., Uhler, J., Uphus, L., Steffan-Dewenter, I., 2022. Earlier flowering of winter oilseed rape compensates for higher pest pressure in warmer climates. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Englmeier, J., von Hoermann, C., Rieker, D., Benbow, M.E., Benjamin, C., Fricke, U., Ganuza, C., Haensel, M., Lackner, T., Mitesser, O., Redlich, S., Riebl, R., Rojas-Botero, S., Rummler, T., Salamon, J-A., Sommer, D., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Tobisch, C., Uhler, J., Uphus, L., Zhang, J., Müller, J. 2022. Dung-visiting beetle diversity is mainly affected by land use, while community specialization is driven by climate. Ecology and Evolution. 12:e9386.
Fricke, U., Redlich, S., Zhang, J., Tobisch, C., Rojas-Botero, S., Benjamin, C.S., Englmeier, J., Ganuza, C., Riebl, R., Uhler, J., Uphus, L., Ewald, J., Kollmann, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I., 2022. Plant richness, land use and temperature differently shape invertebrate leaf-chewing herbivory on plant functional groups. Oecologia. 199: 407-417.
Ganuza, C., Redlich, S., Uhler, J., Tobisch, C., Rojas-Botero, S., Peters, M.K., Zhang, J., Benjamin, C.S., Englmeier, J., Ewald, J., Fricke, U., Haensel, M., Kollmann, J., Riebl, R., Uphus, L., Müller, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I., 2022. Interactive effects of climate and land use on pollinator diversity differ among taxa and scales. Science Advances. 8, eabm9359.
Fricke, U., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Zhang, J., Tobisch, C., Rojas-Botero, S., Benjamin, C.S., Englmeier, J., Ganuza, C., Haensel, M., Riebl, R., Uhler, J., Upuhs, L., Ewald, J., Kollmann, J., Redlich, S., 2022. Landscape diversity and local temperature, but not climate, affect arthropod predation among habitat types. PLoS ONE. 17(4): e0264881.
Englmeier, J., Mitesser, O., Benbow, M.E., Hothorn, T., von Hoermann, C., Benjamin, C., Fricke, U., Ganuza, C., Haensel, M., Redlich, S., Riebl, R., Rojas Botero, S., Rummler, T., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Stengel, E., Tobisch, C., Uhler, J., Uphus, L., Zhang, J., Müller, J., 2022. Diverse Effects of Climate, Land Use, and Insects on Dung and Carrion Decomposition. Ecosystems.
Martínez-Núñez, C., Kleijn, D., Ganuza, C., Heupink, D., Raemakers, I., Vertommen, W., Fijen, T.P.M. 2022. Temporal and spatial heterogeneity of semi-natural habitat, but not crop diversity, is correlated with landscape pollinator richness. Journal of Applied Ecology, 00: 1-10.
Benjamin, C.S., Uphus, L., Lüpke, M., Rojas-Botero, S., Dhillon, M.S., Englmeier, J., Fricke, U., Ganuza, C., Haensel, M., Redlich, S., Riebl, R., Tobisch, C., Uhler, J., Zhang, J., Menzel, A., Peters, W. 2022. Modelling the relative abundance of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) along a climate and land-use gradient. Animals, 12: 222.
Redlich, S., Zhang, J., Benjamin, C., Dhillon, M.S., Englmeier, J., Ewald, J., Fricke, U., Ganuza, C., Haensel, M., Hovestadt, T., Kollmann, J., Koellner, T., Kübert-Flock, C., Kunstmann, H., Menzel, A., Moning, C., Peters, W., Riebl, R., Rummler, T., Rojas-Botero, S., Tobisch, C., Uhler, J., Uphus, L., Müller, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I. 2021. Disentangling effects of climate and land use on biodiversity and ecosystem services - A multi-scale experimental design. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 00: 1-14.
Welti, E.A.R., Zajicek, P., Frenzel, M., Ayasse, M., Bornholdt, T., Buse, J., Classen, A., Dziock, F., Engelmann, R.A., Englmeier, J., Fellendorf, M., Förschler, M.I., Fricke, U., Ganuza, C., Hippke, M., Hoenselaar, G., Kaus‐Thiel, A., Kerner, J., Kilian, D., Mandery, K., Marten, A., Monaghan, M.T., Morkel, C., Müller, J., Puffpaff, S., Redlich, S., Richter, R., Rojas‐Botero, S., Scharnweber, T., Scheiffarth, G., Yáñez, P.S., Schumann, R., Seibold, S., Steffan‐Dewenter, I., Stoll, S., Tobisch, C., Twietmeyer, S., Uhler, J., Vogt, J., Weis, D., Weisser, W.W., Wilmking, M., Haase, P. 2022. Temperature drives variation in flying insect biomass across a German malaise trap network. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 15: 168–180.
Uhler, J., Redlich, S., Zhang, J., Hothorn, T., Tobisch, C., Ewald, J., Thorn, S., Seibold, S., Mitesser, O., Morinière, J., Bozicevic, V., Benjamin, C.S., Englmeier, J., Fricke, U., Ganuza, C., Haensel, M., Riebl, R., Rojas-Botero, S., Rummler, T., Uphus, L., Schmidt, S., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Müller, J. 2021. Relationship of insect biomass and richness with land use along a climate gradient. Nature Communications, 12: 5946.
Librán-Embid, F., Grass, I., Emer, C., Ganuza, C., Tscharntke, T. 2021. A plant-pollinator metanetwork along a habitat fragmentation gradient. Ecology Letters, 24: 2700-2712.
Uphus, L., Lüpke, M., Yuan, Y., Benjamin, C., Englmeier, J., Fricke, U., Ganuza, C., Schwindl, M., Uhler, J., Menzel, A. 2021. Climate Effects on Vertical Forest Phenology of Fagus sylvatica L., Sensed by Sentinel-2, Time Lapse Camera, and Visual Ground Observations. Remote Sensing, 13: 3982.
Haro, E., Scheper, J., Colombari, F., Ganuza, C., de Groot, A.G., van Kats, R., Kleijn, D. 2018. Landscape-scale forest cover increases the abundance of Drosophila suzukii and parasitoid wasps. Basic and Applied Ecology, 31: 33-43.