

Professor Georg Nagel in front of the image of an alga in which a novel photo sensor was labelled with green fluorescent dye.

Controlling cells with light: Professor Georg Nagel has won another award for his contributions to the invention and refinement of optogenetics. He received the prize along with other laureates in the USA.

Small-scale agricultural landscapes (left) offer advantages: they promote biological diversity, pollination and natural pest control.

Diversity beats monotony: a colourful patchwork of small, differently used plots can bring advantages to agriculture and nature. This is the result of a new study by the University of Würzburg.

Cells of a neuroblastoma: The red dots mark sites where the BRCA1 protein occurs in close contact with the RNA polymerase II. This is only the case if the protein MYCN is also present (right).

Two proteins work hand in hand to ensure that the tumour cells of neuroblastoma can grow at full speed. In "Nature", a Würzburg research team shows how the proteins can do this.

Icefish under water

Icefish live in an environment that should be deadly for them. Scientists have now investigated how they still manage to exist there and what evolutionary adaptations they have had to undergo in order to do so.

Two open stomatal pores on the surface of a fern leaf, each surrounded by two kidney-shaped guard cells. Right panel: important moments during the evolution of stomata. Stomata probably evolved in an early land plant, from which all today’s species descend, but were likely lost in liverworts. Some genes that control stomatal movement in flowering plants likely arose recently, in seed plants, from within ancient gene families that were present in algae. Signalling genes with specific roles in guard cells likely arose after mosses diverged from a common ancestor.

Plants that can manage with less water could make agriculture more sustainable. This is why a research team at the University of Würzburg is investigating how plants control their water balance.

Photo: Dr. Alexandro B. Leverkus

Dr. Alexandro B. Leverkus, Universidad de Alcala (Madrid), is an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the Ecological Station Fabrikschleichach of the Biocenter (Zoology III) from 01.01.2019 to 31.12.2020. Leverkus is currently researching the topic "Forest disturbances in the Anthropocene: Unravelling ecological interactions between wildfire and (salvage) logging".

In this multicellular Volvox alga, the novel light sensor 2c-cyclop was labeled with fluorescence (green). It shows up in membranes around the nucleus. (Image: Eva Laura von der Heyde)

Scientists at the Universities of Würzburg and Bielefeld in Germany have discovered an unusual new light sensor in green algae. The sensor triggers a reaction that is similar to one in the human eye.

Fruit Fly

Insects and mammals have special sensors for different light intensities. These sensors selectively influence the circadian clocks and thereby control daily activity patterns.

Microscopy of centrioles.

Does expansion microscopy deliver true-to-life images of cellular structures? That was not sure yet. A new publication in "Nature Methods" shows for the first time that the method actually works reliably.

3d-Model of the guard cell potassium ion channel GORK

The plant hormone jasmonic acid also performs a function that was previously unknown. It ensures that the leaf pores close when leaves are injured. For the plant, this could be an emergency signal.

Schematic scheme of a spidroin

Spider silk belongs to the toughest fibres in nature and has astounding properties. Scientists from the University of Würzburg discovered new molecular details of self-assembly of a spider silk fibre protein.

Picture: Sabine Fischer

Since October 2018, Sabine Fischer heads the research group for Supramolecular and Cellular Simulations at the Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology (CCTB). Now she will introduce herself with a lecture titled “Auf gute Nachbarschaft!/To being good neighbours! Mathematical biology of intercellular interactions in developing tissues”.

Quinoa stores salt in the bladder cells on its leaves. (Picture: Jennifer Böhm)

Barely heard of a couple of years ago, quinoa today is common on European supermarket shelves. The hardy plant thrives even in saline soils. Researchers from the University of Würzburg have now determined how the plant gets rid of the excess salt.


It has been known for a long time that cancer cells change their metabolic activity. However, the full complexity of metabolic reprogramming in cancer cells and the metabolic cross-talk between cancer cells and their surrounding environment has only recently been fully appreciated.
