Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology

2019 Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Biology

International CCTB Summer School

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Biology

Würzburg, September 23-27, 2019

Modern methods in the life sciences, such as high-resolution microscopy and high-throughput sequencing, generate enormous amounts of data. To discover information in these data and to ask the right questions, new methods from data mining, artificial intelligence and deep learning need to be developed and applied, complemented by theoretical models in an integrated systems approach.

In this summer school, you will learn how to apply cutting edge techniques from artifical intelligence and deep learning for the analysis of biological data (e.g. images, genomes), how to integrate the results with other biological "big" data from genomes to ecosystems, and how to combine data science and quantitative modeling. Local researchers with expertise in bioimage analysis, modeling and machine learning will teach courses together with invited speakers.

Click here for details and program

For questions, please contact Philip Kollmannsberger.