Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology


Artificial Intelligence at the Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology

As part of CAIDAS, we develop and apply AI-based methods for the analysis of biological data at all scales, in collaboration with other groups at the Faculty of Biology as well as with local and international partners.

Examples of AI-related research projects at the CCTB

Analysis and prediction of 3D cell-cell interactions with artificial neural networks


Prof. Sabine Fischer

Collaboration with Munoz Lab

Genomic prediction of draught tolerance with deep learning


Prof. Arthur Korte

Collaboration with the Department of Botany 1 at JMU

Model interpretability in medical image segmentation


Dr. Markus Ankenbrand

Ontogeny in Learning

Connecting developmental processes of animals to different models of learning such as play, reinforcement, social and memory. The methods span from single to multi-agent learning methods inspired by animal behavioural experiments.

Prof. Chaitanya S. Gokhale


If you are interested in collaborating with the CCTB, please contact the different research groups.