  • HEK-293T cells infected with Chlamydia trachomatis expressing chlamydial deubiquitinase Cdu1-FLAG
Chair of Microbiology


Master of Science

Infection Biology

  • Vst.-Nr.: 0610220
  • Vst.-Kürzel: 07-MS2M1
  • Vst.-Art: Lecture/Seminar
  • SWS: 3
  • ECTS: 10
  • Semester: Winter Semester
  • Prüfungsart: Written Examination
  • Modulverantwortung: Prof. Thomas Rudel
  • Inhalte:  The lecture covers major topics in infection biology including adhesion, invasion, bacterial pathogenicity factors (adhesins, invasins, toxins, modulins), virulence regulation, genetic variation, host responses (immune response, apoptosis, signal transduction), intracellular transport of pathogens as well as current research methods. In the seminar students will summarize, present, and openly discuss selected research papers or scientific reviews of topics that were introduced in the associated lectures. Alternatively, students may elaborate on selected open scientific questions by reviewing the available scientific literature followed by a discussion of their theoretical approaches.

Pathogenicity of Microorganisms

  • Vst.-Nr.: 06102230
  • Vst.-Kürzel: 07-MS2PA
  • Vst.-Art: Lectur/Seminar
  • SWS: 3
  • ECTS: 10
  • Semester: Summer Semester
  • Prüfungsart: Written Examination
  • Modulverantwortung: Prof. Thomas Rudel
  • Inhalte:   The lecture covers modes of action of pathogenicity factors of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbial pathogens. In the seminar students will summarize, present, and openly discuss selected research papers or scientific reviews of topics that were introduced in the associated lectures. Alternatively, students may elaborate on selected open scientific questions by reviewing the available scientific literature followed by a discussion of their theoretical approaches.

Microbiology F1 - Practical Course

  • Vst.-Nr.: 06102210
  • Vst.-Kürzel: 07-MS2MF1
  • Vst.-Art: Practical Course/Seminar
  • SWS: 15
  • ECTS: 10
  • Prüfungsart: Graded Protocol
  • Modulverantwortung: Lecturers of the Chair of Microbiology
  • Inhalte:   Participants will work on a selected scientific project which is related to the current research conducted in the participating chairs. Supervised by an instructor students will apply modern experimental methods in molecular biology and infection biology and will become acquainted with the standards of scientific data documentation, evaluation and presentation. In the accompanying seminar participants will report and discuss novel developments in their experimental research or within the scientific field.    

Microbiology F2 - Practical Course

  • Vst.-Nr.: 06102220
  • Vst.-Kürzel: 07-MS2MF2
  • Vst.-Art: Practical Course/Seminar
  • SWS: 30
  • ECTS: 15
  • Prüfungsart: Protocol, Presentation
  • Modulverantwortung:  Lecturers of the Chair of Microbiology
  • Inhalte: Im Rahmen von bestehenden Forschungsprojekten aus den Bereichen der  Participants will work on a selected scientific project which is related to the current research conducted in the participating chairs. Supervised by an instructor students will apply modern experimental methods in molecular biology and infection biology and will become acquainted with the standards of scientific data documentation, evaluation and presentation. In the accompanying seminar participants will report and discuss novel developments in their experimental research or within the scientific field.

Molekulare Biologie / Molecular Biology

  • Vst.-Nr.: 06102000
  • Vst.-Kürzel: 07-MS2
  • Vst.-Art: Lecture
  • SWS: 3
  • ECTS: 10
  • Prüfungsart: Written Examination
  • Semester: Winter Semester in German, Summer Semester in English
  • Modulverantwortung: i.a. Rudel, Westermann
  • Inhalte: The lecture series is a joint activity of the chairs of Cell- and Developmental Biology, Microbiology, Biophysics and Bioinformatics and deals with concepts of modern molecular biology from the point of view of these different disciplines.
    The section Cell Biology (app. a quarter of the lecture) mainly regards the eukaryotic cell and intends to elucidate the vast diversity in structure and function of molecules, organelles and cells in addition to basic principles of modern molecular cell biology.
    The bioinformatics section (app. a quarter of the lecture) contains a large amount of examples for applications which allow the investigation of the molecular biology of a cell with bioinformatics tools. We closely adhere to the contents of the book „Essential Cell Biology“ and present many clear and useful examples for the application of our tools working on the topics of the other three chairs. Our vision: bioinformatics essentially is molecular biology based on computing technology (time consuming „wet“ experiments can be planned more easily and thus bioinformatics saves precious time).
    The microbiological section (app. a quarter of the lecture) deals with basic molecular aspects of prokaryotic cells. Key aspects include the organization of the bacterial genome, the transcription and translation machinery, mechanisms of regulation of gene expression, transport of small molecules and macromolecules, cell division and differentiation, bacterial motility and chemotaxis, signal transduction and bacterial communication mechanisms.

Mikrobielle Ökologie

  • Vst.-Nr.: 06110060
  • Vst.-Art: Vorlesung
  • SWS: 1
  • ECTS: 3
  • Semester: Sommersemester in German language          
  • Modulverantwortung: Prof. Roy Gross
  • Inhalte: Die Vorlesung vermittelt Grundlagen der Wechselwirkung von Mikroorganismen mit ihrer abiotischen und vor allem biotischen Umwelt. Einen Schwerpunkt werden dabei Bakterien darstellen, die in symbiontischen, kommensalen und pathogenen Beziehungen zu verschiedenen Wirtsorganismen (u.a. andere Bakterien, Insekten, Pilze, Würmer, Säugetiere) stehen. Die Vorlesung ergänzt damit den Schwerpunkt Infektionsbiologie des Studiengangs „Zelluläre und Molekulare Mikrobiologie / Infektionsbiologie“, bei dem vor allem humanpathogene Erreger und ihre Pathogenitätsmechanismen vorgestellt werden, und versucht grundlegende Konzepte der Wechselwirkung von Bakterien mit verschiedenen Wirten zu erarbeiten.

Genregulation und Signaltransduktion

  • Vst.-Nr.: 0611000  
  • Vst.-Art: Vorlesung
  • SWS: 1
  • ECTS: 3
  • Semester: Wintersemester in German language
  • Modulverantwortung: Prof. Roy Gross
  • Inhalte: In der Vorlesung werden wichtige Aspekte der Genregulation und Signaltransduktion in Prokaryonten abgehandelt. Dabei werden sowohl die Regulation der Genexpression auf Transkriptionsebene als auch posttranskriptionelle regulatorische Mechanismen besprochen. Ein spezieller Schwerpunkt stellt die Bedeutung regulatorischer Phänomene bei pathogenen Mikroorganismen dar. Die Vorlesung ergänzt und vertieft entsprechende Aspekte der Ringvorlesung „Molekulare Biologie“ (Vst-Nr. 0610200) und der Spezialvorlesung „Infektionsbiologie“ (Vst-Nr. 0610220).


  • Vst.-Nr.: 06074960
  • Vst.-Kürzl: 07-MT-1
  • ECTS: 25

Thesis Kolloquium

  • Vst.-Nr.: 06074960
  • Vst.-Kürzel: 07-MK-1
  • ECTS: 5