Department of Botany I - Plant-Physiology and Biophysics




0607719: Molekulare Physiologie der Pflanzen für Fortgeschrittene

Characterization of mutant plant lines is a key technology to study gene function such as for example the role of ion transport in guard cell function. This practical course teaches the principles of genome manipulation based on transferring foreign DNA into the plant genome. You will learn how to generate transgenic plants and mutant libraries using different transformation strategies und biotechnological tools (transposon- und T-DNA insertion mutagenesis). The methods you will apply are: DNA und RNA extraction, PCR, agarose gel electrophoresis, quantitative real time PCR, promoter-reporter gene constructs (GUS, GFP), transmission light and fluorescence microscopy.

0607740: Molecular Modeling - From DNA to Protein

The focus of this course is “in silico” structure/function analysis of nucleic acid and protein molecules. You will be trained to use free of charge data bases for searching, analysis and modeling of molecules. In addition, you will apply a special cloning software program to learn computer-based cloning strategies. This is an essential step before you start the cloning procedure in the laboratory.

0607855: Spezielle Molekulare Physiologie der Pflanzen 2

This practical course is imbedded in my current research projects about plant-pathogen-interaction and response of guard cells to salt stress. You will be individually mentored and learn how to apply modern molecular biological and physiological techniques to study broader biological questions.

0607945: Spezielle molekulare Physiologie der Pflanzen 3

In this pratical course you will perform your work also within my current research projects in a largely independent manner.  If you combine this module with the one above “0607855” you will work on a larger biological topic

0607902: Bachelorthesis Biologie

In continuation of the above module “0607945” you will work on current topics of my current research projects. You will apply modern molecular and physiological techniques in collaboration with your supervisor but perform, analyze, and document your experiments in an independent manner.


0610300: Lecture 3: Current Methods in Plant Biology

In this lecture I will introduce the basic principles of up-to-date methods used for genome editing. You will learn different kinds of cloning strategies, what you can do with zinc finger nucleases, TALENs, and RNA Interference in the plant genome.

0610364: Lecture: Plant Immunobiology and Pharmaceutical Biology

This lecture addresses topics of pathogen recognition and signal transduction in plants challenged by pathogens. I will teach plant responses to Agrobacterium, a bacterial pathogen that causes crown gall tumors but is also used as biotechnological tool to generate genetically modified plants.

0610311: Molecular Plant Physiology F1

This module is imbedded in my current research projects about Plant-Pathogen-Interaction or guard cell responses to salt stress. It provides in-depth insight into molecular strategies and techniques employed in modern plant physiology. Under my supervision you will perform your experiments largely independent.

0610312: Molecular Plant Physiology F2

This practical course prepares you for the Master thesis and the topics are imbedded in my current research projects. Under my supervision you will be qualified to address scientific plant physiological issues by using appropriate molecular biological methods. It is also possible to combine this module with the one above “0610311”, which allows you to study a biological question in a broader context applying more different techniques. You are expected to independently design appropriate experiments and to analyze, document, and present the results.

0607495: Masterthesis Biology

In continuation of the module “0610312” the interested candidate will work as part of my research group and is involved in the current studies of my research projects. She/he will be trained to analyze different aspects of plant-pathogen-interactions or responses of guard cells in salt stressed plants applying modern molecular and physiological techniques in an independent manner.